I've been away from technology lately because I was away on holiday but when I returned I saw that I had been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Helena over at Seaside Beauty - thanks darling! Basically I've got answer a bunch of questions about myself and then make up questions for other bloggers to answer. I love doing fun little things like this and so I'm finally sitting down to do it!
Here are the rules:
1. Each blogger should answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
2. Choose 11 new bloggers to pass the award onto and link them in your post.
3. Create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
6. No tag backs!
I've decided to nominate:
Sasha from Beyond Makeup
Gabriella from With Eyes Like Diamonds.
Natalie from The Blonde Ethos
Danyele from It's Suteki
Amy from All The Little Things
Chloe from Chloe Marie's World
Tori from Original Torii
Sophie from Filthy Paws & Silky Drawers
Sara from Studs on Saturday.
Emma from Erratic Glamour
11 Facts about me:
1. My middle name is Ann, and I’m kind of disappointed that my parents only ever called me Lesley and not my full name because I think Lesley Ann sounds so folky and cute.
2. My sister is two years younger than me but most people think she is the older one because I’m so little.
3. I am incredibly indecisive to the point that having to make choices sometimes makes me so anxious that I have to leave and not choose anything at all!
4. I am SUCH a klutz and am constantly hurting (read embarrassing) myself one way or another. Yesterday I tried to smell a mixing bowl (don't ask) and ended up smacking myself in the face with it.
5. I moved away from home when I was 17 years old.
6. I am from a small town in the country that has a county fair every summer. I couldn't wait to get out when I was younger because most people are pretty narrow-minded, but now I love the fact that I'm from a place with dirt roads and cow farms, and I am currently crushing on redneck men even though we disagree on most fundamental things.
7. When I travel I collect cups and bracelets.
8. The only drink I get at Starbucks is an unsweetened iced passion tea with light ice - and I could drink several a day!
9. I feel at home when I'm at the beach.
10. I met my BFF Shannon when we sat beside each other in our first class on our first day of college - and we have been best friends ever since. My other BFF is Robin and she is more like a sister than a friend.
11. I have probably been to at least 50 concerts since I was 17.
My answers to Helena's questions:
1. What inspired you to start your blog and how did you come up with your name? I was studying Journalism at the time I started up this blog. I had to create a blog for one of my classes but it was filled with some pretty heavy stuff, and I thought it would be nice to have an outlet to write about some of the lighter things that I enjoy - mainly style/beauty. My sister came up with the blog name, actually, because I asked her to help me brainstorm words that sounded nice with my name.
2. If you could do anything, what would be your dream job? I think I kind of am living my dream job, in a way! I’m a freelance writer, so I work from home and get paid to write - I don't think I could ask for more! I’m pursuing a graduate degree so I will be able to teach at the university level which is something I’d love to do and my schedule would be so flexible! I’d like to teach and work as a personal trainer, once I’m finished school. If I wasn't pursuing writing and academia, I would be studying dietetics and physiotherapy.
3. What one thing can you not help but splurge on? I definitely splurge on moisturizers and cleansers.
4. What makeup brand is your guilty pleasure? Guerlain ♡
5. Are you more of a lipstick or eyeshadow girl?
I'm neither, really. I have many lipsticks but don’t like the feel of stuff on my mouth, and I have plenty of eyeshadow palettes but feel like a zombie when I wear them. I’m definitely a bronzer and mascara kind of gal.
6. What one beauty item can you not leave your house without?
I don’t really bring beauty items with me, except some chapstick and bronzer, depending on the day.
7. What is your go to outfit and makeup look?
Right now it’s summer and very hot so my go-to outfit has been some faded jean shorts with a loose t-shirt tucked in, tons of bracelets from my trips and an old pair of shoes. Super simple and easy! I'm pretty tanned right now, so the only products I’m using these days are bronzer and mascara, and I'm filling in my eyebrows. My style changes a lot from the warm to cold months but right now it’s hot so that means very bohemian/beachy.
8. What are you most proud of about your blog?
I’m proud that I can remain somewhat consistent with my posts, which used to be a major struggle.
9. How old were you when you first started wearing makeup? What was it and what made you want to use it?
I think I played with a little makeup kit when I was quite young, but I didn’t wear real makeup until I was older (except for a horrible pale sparkly blue eyeshadow stick in 5th grade). I really never put a “face” on until I started going out at night in college.
10. What's your holy grail product at the moment?
I can’t get enough of Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess which I was so lucky to snag while I was in America.
11. Do you spend more on beauty or fashion when shopping?
That's tough! I go shopping for clothes more often, but I usually buy smaller items whereas I shop for beauty/skincare less but spend much more on specific items.
My questions for you:
1. Describe what a perfect day would be like for you.
2. What is your most prized possession?
3. Do you have a favourite perfume? If so, what is it?
4. What is your favourite place to travel or what is your dream travel destination?
5. Describe your style in three words.
6. What is your favourite quote or song lyrics?
7. If you could have grown up in any era, which would you have chosen?
8. Are you a heels, flats, or trainers kind of lady?
9. Do you still read magazines (the actual paper copies, not just online)? What are your favourite?
10. If you could live in one climate all year round, what would it be?
11. You have one day to spend an unlimited amount of money on treating yourself to things you normally wouldn't spend money on - what do you do? (Extra points to anyone who watches Parks and Recreation and is now singing Treat Yo'Self 2011!)
i love reading about other bloggers like this, thank you for tagging me lovely!
ReplyDeletesara x
Thanks for tagging me :) x