Monday, December 12, 2011

'tis the season

dress- zara

The semester is finally over! I handed in my last project on Friday and now I'm off until the first week of January, which will be lovely.  I'm really looking forward to the holidays; spending time with my family and going to parties!

A friend from college is having a cocktail party for her birthday next week and this is the dress I picked out to wear.  I really wanted the green one but it seemed to be a bit defective so I went with black.  I love how it's so classic in the front and a little frisky in the back.  I'll pair it with some opaque tights and some platforms - can't wait!  I also got a little velvet dress and massive sparkly platforms for New Years, although I have yet to finalize any plans for the night!

What are you going to be wearing to your holiday parties? :)


Thursday, December 1, 2011

please take me by the hand, it's so cold out tonight

blouse - h&m
jumper - h&m
necklace - urban outfitters

First off I want to say welcome to my new followers!  I was so shocked when I logged in today and saw that I had nearly 60! I know some blogs have thousands of followers, but 60 is huge to me as I didn't think that anyone would want to read my blog when I started it.  Also thanks to all the lovelies who have commented on my posts - if I could reply back to each of your comments I would. Does anyone know how to do this? Is it possible? Sigh, so technologically challenged.

This is not exactly an outfit post but thought I would share a photo of something I wore a few days ago that I absolutely loved.  I paired these tops with leggings and heeled booties and it was all very comfortable and snuggly but I still looked fairly put together which is important!

I was MIA for most of November - it was a month of many changes, all good. It's kind of lovely how going through hard times actually makes you realize the good things more and makes them that much more special!  I've made a resolution to start spending more time with the people in my life who make me truly happy, and as a result I'm really feeling very grateful for a lot in my life today.

I've been doing well at school - all A's which I'm so pleased about because I have really been working hard.  All of my group projects are nearly over (thank god!) so now I just have a final quiz tomorrow and a long feature due on Monday and then I'm done for the semester! My teacher is bringing us all out to a pub on Monday for food and drinks, which should be interesting if I choose to attend!

I ran in an election for the position of Vice President of Internal Affairs for the Journalism Students' Association at my university and I won!  We had our first event - a brunch - on Tuesday and the turnout was much better than I expected.  Hoping to plan many more exciting events for the coming term. I haven't been involved in much since high school, where I was literally involved in everything, so this is really great.

December is off to a good start as I got into a conversation with one of my professors today and he offered me an internship at his newspaper next year! This came as a total surprise to me and he had to ask me twice for me to understand what he was doing! My fingers are crossed that this works out and that my journalism dreams will be coming true shortly.

And I have a new hair cut which I'm absolutely in love with - I haven't been able to take a proper photo of it yet though, but I brought my hairdresser a photo of Zooey Deschanel, so it's similar to hers!

Well now that I've written this diary entry (haha!) I think I'll get back to procrastinating by looking at memes, playing guitar, and anything else I can think of to pass time that should be spent doing something productive.

Hope everyone is well :)


Friday, November 11, 2011

it's your song they've been singing

scarf - forever 21
grey top - h&m
shorts - american eagle outfitters
belt - h&m

I'm looking and feeling pretty grungy today. I started out wearing a skirt to class instead of the shorts, but it was very windy today and after a little wardrobe malfunction while talking to my teacher outside, I decided to run home and change into something a little more practical!  I threw on some knee socks too because it was a bit chilly today.

Have you ever had one of those days (or weeks) where you are annoyed by everything and just want to be completely alone and silent for a good while? That's how I've been feeling for the past few days! I don't even feel like writing or talking, which is very rare for me. Really want nothing more than to go to the gym and then come home, have a tea, read some magazines and sleep.

Doing a TV package about the Twilight premiere and have an interview booked for tomorrow with a mother who is obsessed with the books/films - should be interesting!


Saturday, November 5, 2011


After a few months of hunting, I stumbled upon the perfect satchel this week at Aldo. I was looking for new booties but then the boy helping me told me about the huge sale they were having on bags.  Now normally I ignore sales pitches like this as he was just trying to get more commission I'm sure, but I went to look at the bags anyway and found this beauty.  The leopard lining definitely sold me!

I'm supposed to be writing a long article right now for my Monday class but instead I'm watching a movie with my mum and sister and looking at memes.  Saturday night - sigh. Back to work!


Friday, November 4, 2011

wool and lace

cardigan - mum's closet :)
lace top - american apparel
tank top - h&m
jeans - urban outfitters
belt - h&m
shoes - aldo
stopwatch necklace - forever 21
rings (l-r) - forever 21, aldo, h&m

Chose this outfit for school today, and my favourite thing about it is my mum's cozy cardi thrown on top! I also attempted galaxy nails once again, and they didn't turn out as well as they did when I did them about a month ago, but I still think they're pretty neat!  They're a lot more glittery in real life and I found myself staring at them in class instead of taking notes today. Yes, I am easily distracted!

I had class at noon and then spent a couple of hours in the editing lab at school working on my next television package about winter fashions - love the topic but it's not turning out as well as I had hoped it would.  So now I'm feeling frazzled and grumpy and can't wait to crawl into bed and sleep for (hopefully) at least 12 hours!

It's my friend's birthday party tonight and they're doing dinner and then going out to a club, but since I can't eat out and have so much work/feel like garbage, I'm going to head home and stay in to do some writing, have a nice cup of tea and head to bed early.

Oh, and we had some snow today, which made me the happiest girl for about five minutes until it stopped. The first snow fall of autumn/winter is probably my favourite day of the whole year! :)

Good night!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

pick apart a hundred flowers

So I've been absent from the internet for just about a month now - I wasn't posting regularly and just needed a break from a lot of things to clear my head and focus on my real life! I had some blog issues with all my photos disappearing a while ago so rather than try to salvage anything, I deleted most of my older posts and am starting fresh.

Here's what I wore today:

fringed tank top - urban outfitters
jeans - urban outfitters
booties - aldo

I absolutely love this outfit. I got the tank top last night in the sales at Urban Outfitters and with my gift card it ended up being free, which made my day. I don't care what anyone says, I love the fringe! The photos are crap quality because I took them on my way out the door with my MacBook, but I'm wearing my new lace-up heel booties from Aldo that I am completely in love with. I went to my foot doctor this week and she basically told me to scrap all of my shoes except for my runners, and told me to buy a pair of substantial heeled booties for times when I couldn't wear my running shoes. So my mum bought me these ones, and I got a lovely satchel that I shall post about tomorrow as well!

I suppose I should do a quick life update now:

School has been going so well this term. I've been keeping really busy with my school work but I'm not overly stressed about getting anything done, which is a lovely change for me. I have about one month left until winter break; I just can't figure out where the time has gone! Today flew by, it's insane.

Health-wise I am still going for tests to figure out what is up with my body. I had an important doctor's appointment this week that was neither very positive or negative or conclusive, just more tests, but I'm hanging in there. Since I can't eat much, I've become a total tea-drinking addict - I suppose life could be worse!

I've taken up some new hobbies. I've been working out a bit more often, and am trying to fix myself into a routine of going at least three times a week. I've also learned how to play the guitar, which is something that I've always wanted to do but never really had time for. The fingers on my left hand are actually a bit callousy from the strings, which I love!

I've been spending more time with my college friends who I hadn't been seeing very often or who I had lost touch with after I moved away for uni. Spent Halloween with them and had an absolute blast.

Off to the gym now, hope everyone has been well! <3


Monday, October 3, 2011

sky blue sky

scarf (worn as turban) - forever 21 girls
top - h&m
jeans - urban outfitters
belt - h&m
I wore and photographed this on Friday but I went home for the weekend so I'm only getting around to posting now. It was so lovely outside on Friday so I decided to dress for what I thought was sunny and warm weather, although most people I passed on the street had jackets on. Oh well! I am only now becoming a fan of jeans again after a couple of years of nothing but high-waist leggings. I've lost a few pounds with all of the medical stuff that's been going on so I'm realizing that clothes are fitting better and are much more comfortable now!

After class on Friday I went to study with my friend Shannon. Studying turned into makeup shopping, and she got some great new things, including a new Chanel foundation. I have absolutely no money to spend on cosmetics at the moment so I lived vicariously through her purchases! While we were attempting to study, a creepy older looking student approached us and asked if we would watch his laptop for two hours. After we told him no and explained we wouldn't be around studying for that long, he mumbled some strange things and after asking him to repeat himself it turns out he didn't even go to our school and was saying to me "I want to eat your boyfriend. I'm jealous of your boyfriend and would eat your boyfriend." We thought that strange encounter gave us all the more reason to abandon our studies for shopping! I still haven't stopped laughing about how bizarre the whole thing was.

This week isn't looking like it will be too hectic, which is such a lovely change from the past few weeks. I had a feature profile due today and decided to focusing on the blogging industry for men, so I interviewed Spencer Edwards of ProprPostur about his blog. Besides that I just have some readings and an essay to start on, which is great because I feel like I'm coming down with something. As I type this I am wearing head-to-toe fleece with my hood up; looking lovely I'm sure!

Hope all is well with everyone!
