So I've been absent from the internet for just about a month now - I wasn't posting regularly and just needed a break from a lot of things to clear my head and focus on my real life! I had some blog issues with all my photos disappearing a while ago so rather than try to salvage anything, I deleted most of my older posts and am starting fresh.
Here's what I wore today:
fringed tank top - urban outfitters
jeans - urban outfitters
booties - aldo |
I absolutely love this outfit. I got the tank top last night in the sales at Urban Outfitters and with my gift card it ended up being free, which made my day. I don't care what anyone says, I love the fringe! The photos are crap quality because I took them on my way out the door with my MacBook, but I'm wearing my new lace-up heel booties from Aldo that I am completely in love with. I went to my foot doctor this week and she basically told me to scrap all of my shoes except for my runners, and told me to buy a pair of substantial heeled booties for times when I couldn't wear my running shoes. So my mum bought me these ones, and I got a lovely satchel that I shall post about tomorrow as well!
I suppose I should do a quick life update now:
School has been going so well this term. I've been keeping really busy with my school work but I'm not overly stressed about getting anything done, which is a lovely change for me. I have about one month left until winter break; I just can't figure out where the time has gone! Today flew by, it's insane.
Health-wise I am still going for tests to figure out what is up with my body. I had an important doctor's appointment this week that was neither very positive or negative or conclusive, just more tests, but I'm hanging in there. Since I can't eat much, I've become a total tea-drinking addict - I suppose life could be worse!
I've taken up some new hobbies. I've been working out a bit more often, and am trying to fix myself into a routine of going at least three times a week. I've also learned how to play the guitar, which is something that I've always wanted to do but never really had time for. The fingers on my left hand are actually a bit callousy from the strings, which I love!
I've been spending more time with my college friends who I hadn't been seeing very often or who I had lost touch with after I moved away for uni. Spent Halloween with them and had an absolute blast.
Off to the gym now, hope everyone has been well! <3